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oAoB oCoD oEoF oGoH oIoJ oKoL oMoN oOoP oQoR oSoT oUoV oWoX oYoZ

Trademark / Brand Name Class(es)
CARINA range of products 3
CARLOS c house of shirtings 24
CARZ XPRESS +cartoon of boy 35
CASABELLA the soul of a roo 24
CAT brand +face of cat 3
CATFISH +cartoon of fish 25, 35
CATS +cartoon of cat 25
CCIT college of computer 16
CFM THE power of flight 9
CFM the power of flight 12
CHA college of hospitality 41
CHAKRAVARTY the king of kin 29, 30, 31, 32
CHATE THE symbol of merit 41
CHATE symbol of merit +oval 41
CHATE the symbol of merit 16
CHAYAN +cartoon of chef 30
CHERYL'S +face of lady 3
CHHAYA +cj & face of woman 14
CHHOTA RAJNI +cartoon of bo 9
CHICK-FIL-A +cartoon of bir 43
CHICKI +cartoon of squirrel 29
CHOOHA +cartoon of mouse 9, 16, 38, 41, 42
CHOPPER +cartoon of pencil 16
CHOTA CHEF +cartoon of chef 43
CHUNMUN +cartoon of bird 2
CIM college of information 16
CIMAR birth of a solution 16
CIRKUS a celebration of lif 16, 24, 30
CIRKUS celebration of life 11, 21
CITY college of commerce 41
CJF jewellery of india +ova 45
CMR institute of management 41
CMR institute of technology 41
COED center of excellence 41
COED centre of excellence 42
COMBO PAL +cartoon of men 35
COMFY the symbol of status 20
COOL GAI +cartoon of cow 29
CORRIDA +face of animal 26
COTBELLY'S range of cotton 24
CP the mark of excellence 14
CRAZY CRABS +cartoon of cra 43
CROCRO +cartoon of crocodil 9
CROMA moments of joy +squar 41
CROWN VET +cartoon of dog 44
CUFF-LINKS power of fashion 25
CUISINE THE LAND of kohinoo 16
CUTICURA - fragrance of lif 3
CUTIE! +cartoon of girl 16
D-STURBD +cartoon of man 25
DADFOOD +cartoon of chef 43
DAIRY FUN +cartoon of cow 29, 30, 35
DASA school of animation 41
DEAL MONK +cartoon of child 43
DEE taste of india 43
DEE-ESS +cartoon of elephan 3
DEEPAK KUMARS dound of musi 16
DEER BRAND +face of deer 17
DEFEBRIL +cartoon of pengui 5
DELFI of switzerland +man 30
DEN CARE +cartoon of tooth 5
DENTX +cartoon of tooth 44
DESIGNERCARS power of choic 9, 12
DESOUTTER +face of horse 8, 9, 10
DHAKSHINI flavours of south 42
DIDIS +face of man 30
DIPY +face of man 25
DMC institute of insurance 41
DMC institute of mathematic 41
DMC institute of retail +ba 41
DOFF wonders of DOFF 25
DOK VUDZ +cartoon of man 2
DON power of glucose 30
DP DARPAN plaster of paris 19
DR. PEDI +cartoon of man 35, 38
DRONE KING +cartoon of king 35
DROOLERS +cartoon of dog 18, 20, 21, 28
DUKES mark of quality 3
DUNCANS the taste of health 30
DUNCANS the taste of life 30
DYNASTY +bust of man 16
DYUNO +cartoon of flower 41
E BEE +cartoon of bee 9, 16, 35, 38, 39, 41, 42, 45
E-AGLE balance of quality 9
EGG STATION +cartoon of che 29
ELALA.IN +cartoon of man 35
ELAYANILA the feel of music 38
ELBUTSTAN +cartoon of man 25
ELITE clubs of india +squar 9, 41
ELITE promise of good healt 30
ELLE the taste of luxury 34
EMAMI spirit of man 5
EMAMI spirit of men 3
EMBER beers of the world 43
EMPIRE institute of learnin 16
EMPIRE symbol of quality 13
EMRY +cartoon of girl 18, 21, 28, 41
EMY +cartoon of man & woman 10
ENCHANTE +face of girl 25
ERN-FE +cartoon of drop 5
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